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To educate, guide and support people of all ages in their journey to living healthier lives. To promote natural methods of healing centered around the mind, body and spirit and to teach people how  to integrate yoga, meditation and clean eating into their daily routine for a healthier and happy life .  

take control of


beginning with your health!


Taking control of your life begins with taking control of your health.  Having perfect health is the most important thing we should strive for in our lives.  Without good  health, we limit ourselves to living a fulfilling life.  If we begin to take care of our health in our early years, we decrease our chances of being faced with debilitating illnesses as we age.  But even if becoming more health conscious comes later in life, we can improve our health and overall well-being by eating healthy, doing some form of exercise and minimizing the amount of stress in our daily life.


There is one important element that must be included with being healthy and that is being in love!  Not a romantic love, but being in love with your life, beginning with yourself!  You should love your body enough to want to give it nutritional foods; keep your limbs, muscles, and joints flexible; keep your heart and other internal organs healthy.  You should love every cell, and the way your veins pumps blood to your heart.  Our body is our temple, it is sacred and we should worship it.  



stop doing and


We are human beings, not human doings!  We must learn the importance of taking time to be still.  Meditation is not so much about forcing the mind to be still, but it is about finding the stillness that exists behind our many layers of thoughts. There are many health benefits to meditating.  Reducing stress is at the top of the list.  Studies have shown that people who meditate at least 30 minutes a day are much less stressed and therefore live healthier lives than people who do not meditate at all.  Meditation also helps sharpen and focus the mind.  When combined with deep breathing, improves circulation and blood oxygen enrichment, sending extra help to all of the organs.  Meditation allows you to feel that inner peace that can only be found within.  Try meditating just fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes at night and you will notice a significant difference in your overall health and well-being.. 

Free Holistic Life Coaching Session 

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Connie Sloane, RYT


Connie Sloane, is a Hatha Yoga Teacher, Holistic Life Coach and CEO & Founder of the SODA Foundation.  Connie received her 200 hour Certified Training at the Yoga Training Institute in  Charlotte, NC in 2006 under Yoga Master Teacher, Dr. Camilo Sanchez, OMD, L.Ac, RYT. 

The mission of The S.O.D.A. Foundation, is to help Survivors of Domestic Abuse rebuild their lives.  Her yoga classes, seminars and trainings are an effort to raise money for the Foundation.  

Connie specializes in teaching yoga and meditation to seniors, persons recovering from illnesses, have disabilities, and corporate wellness employees.   She volunteers her services to battered women shelters where she conducts yoga support groups. Connie is an Author and contributing writer to various publications including a series of articles on Revitalizing the Spirit After Abuse through the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, published on  Her new book, Peace, Passion & Purpose, The Key to Living an Abundant Life,  will be released this summer. 


"I am a cancer survivor and had a double mastectomy not long ago.  As a result had very tight and taut skin after the surgery.  I could not raise my arms over my head without pain but yoga with Connie has changed that." 

Lillian Wilcox

"It wasn't easy to go to a shelter for battered women, but for my safety and my children, I knew I had to. When Ms. Connie came to teach yoga to the women there, I was hesitant at first, since I never tried yoga, but after just two classes,  I really look forward to each class."

Survivor of Domestic Abuse


Senior Students Ages 60-90


The deep breathing has improved my overall health.  I was able to get rid of my toxins and I love the eased movements.  I’m hooked!


Yoga with Connie has helped me with my balance and overall good feeling.


I didn't think I could do any of the poses but the teacher was gentle in her instruction and very patient. I can do almost all of the poses now and I feel really good about myself. 


When I started the class I was so stiff I felt embarrassed because I could hardly bend my legs and upper body. But with the encouragement from Ms. Connie, I hung in there and now I have a lot more flexibility.  I wish I had started this practice early but it's never too late.   




holistic living


Living holistically allows you to experience total wellness in all areas of your life i.e., your health, your relationships, your career, your finances and your leisure time. By being totally conscious of the foods you eat, your living and working environment, and your mental, physical and spiritual growth, you can experience holistic living.  


For tips on living holistically.....




Revitalize, Restore & Renew


To revitalize is to take something that has a solid foundation and restore, revive, rebuild and add vigor to give it new life.


We could all use revitalizing in some area of our lives.  Maybe you’re in a relationship that has gotten stale, or working in a job that makes you feel complacent; perhaps your living environment needs a whole new look and feel, or maybe it's just you that needs self-renewal. 


As a Revitalization Coach, I help people recognize that they have access to whatever it is they feel is missing in their life that will make them feel more invigorated, but in order to acquire it, they must believe they are worthy of having it and be willing to do the work.

It's not always about starting over, or releasing something, because everything that has shown up in your life is connected to your divine purpose. Every circumstance, every relationship, every job, every health issue and every experience has been a part of your life for a reason. It was to teach you something and prepare you for the next thing.


It's all a part of a divine tapestry that when complete, will reveal a unique design that represents the authentic you. It will be your life's original masterpiece, as there will never be another exactly like it!     



Yoga & Meditation Retreat

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