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The Ten Step Program For Survivors 



Leaving an abusive relationship is just the beginning for women who have endured abuse for long periods of time. Statistics show that on average the victim leaves and returns seven times before achieving total independence from her abuser. This is why advocacy and support groups are vital to helping survivors recover after the abuse. She needs continuous reassurance that the abuse was not her fault and was not within her control to stop, other than to leave. It is a very critical stage for the woman, especially, if she feels she has very few resources where she can receive the type of assistance she needs to keep her from returning to her abuser.


With this in mind, the 10 Step Program for Survivors of Domestic Violence, is a process that educates women on how to live happy, peaceful and productive lives free from abuse.  This self-realization opens up the pathway for her to live an authentic and purposeful life.  She becomes a part of a life-long support system for her to go to whenever she feels vulnerable and needs to be empowered and inspired by other women who are there for contined support.  The woman is paired with a Revitalization Coach who will remain with her until she is ready to proceed on her journey independently. These meetings are held within our communities and are open to victims, survivors and family members who have been affected by domestic violence.


For more information on the 10 Step Program for Survivors please contact us..



A recent study performed through a grant funded by the National Institute of Health at Fayetteville State University reveals that women who were taught yogic breathing and meditation helped women to release the emotional burdens that had been buried within, in a non-threatening and nonjudgmental environment. The environment created in this study gave the women a chance to voice their concerns and their fears, without  feeling ashamed or embarrassed or a sense of being judged.  


By integrating yoga into a support group, women will learn to become more aware of their bodies and breath and to relate differently to their thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.  The postures (asanas) selected will help with feelings of depression, self-doubt and fear.  The first twenty minutes will involve relaxing asanas, sitting meditation, and diaphragmatic breathing (pranayama).   This practice will be something they can perfect and continue in their own time.



Yoga Support Groups

Connie Sloane offers yoga and meditation classes to shelters and other programs that provide supportive services to women in transition.


Getting Away & Going Within

Rite of Passage Program for Survivors 


Once a woman has escaped an abusive relationship, she needs a place where she can go for serenity and peace; a place for her to heal and recover by nurturing her mind, body and spirit. It takes getting away from what is familiar to a place where she can learn to go within, and develop practices i.e., yoga and meditation, while experiencing the benefits of spending time in nature.


The Rite of Passage program gives women the opportunity to prepare for the next phase of her life in a secluded nature setting without the worry of being stalked or located by her abuser. She takes time for quiet introspection which gives her insight and clarity on this next chapter of her life. She begins her own personal transformation in exchange for being of service through the conservation efforts of the sacred Indian land where she will reside for three months.


Due to the efforts of the people who work and live on this property, which consists of extensive infrastructure, waterfalls, streams, and thriving plant and animal life, it has become a welcoming retreat, campsite and an organic farm. It is the perfect setting for a woman who needs to renew her spirit and is committed to rebuilding her life through service and holistic living.


For more information on this program and how to apply for the Rite of Passage Program, please contact us.

S.O.D.A. - Survivors of Domestic Abuse  

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